Home » Ok this is awkward. An Adblocker has been detected! Please consider reading this notice.

Ok this is awkward. An Adblocker has been detected! Please consider reading this notice.

Ok this is a bit awkward. You wanted to browse a delicious recipe and instead ended up here. Why? Well we’ve detected that you are using some adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading.

Why does it matter? As a small business we rely on advertising revenue to allow us to prepare, photograph and publish our content on a regular basis. While we understand that you want a clean, ad-free web experience, this also has a very real side effect to our business. By using adblocking software our only revenue stream is deprived from us. We provide our content for free for everyone to enjoy. But without any revenue we can only do so for so long.

We appreciate that you’re fed up with all those annoying ads. We are too! Thats why we do not implement any obnoxious ads that are so popular on the web these days. We are using well regarded advertising sources (google adsense) to serve you with advertisements that are tailored to what you like, browse and shop. Hopefully you will be able to find a decent deal or a great promotion through our advertising partners, while at the same time, supporting our efforts. We are committed to providing you with the best content and overall great experience while using our website.

As such we would be grateful if you could support our efforts by adding www.mygreekdish.com to your ad blocking whitelist or disable your adblocking software to view our delicious content. If you don’t want to, no hard feelings. As we are committed in providing you with the best content and experience you will not see this message again. But please do consider supporting us by taking the above simple step.

